Financial Arrangements

It is important to us that we meet your needs by ensuring the costs associated with the funeral fall within your budget. To make this possible, it is important that your funeral director is made aware of any financial requirements from the outset. An accurate estimate of costs will be provided during the funeral arrangement meeting based on discussions with your funeral director. This may change in the days leading up to the funeral as plans are finalised, but you will be kept up to date with any significant changes in cost.

The Funeral Account

The funeral account is sent to the Estate Executor or the family solicitor, and the family 7 days after the funeral date. This will be sent with the Death Certificate unless we are still waiting for that to arrive from Births, Deaths & Marriages in which case the Death Certificate will follow on as soon as it’s been received. The account is due for payment 4 weeks from the date of the funeral service.

Waikanae Funeral Home’s policy on credit is outlined in our company ‘Authority to Act Form’, which is signed by the person giving instructions at the time of the funeral arrangement. A copy of this form will be provided to you by your funeral director.

Financial Assistance


Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) have an asset tested funeral grant that may be available to those who meet the requirements. We suggest that families make an appointment with the local WINZ office to confirm their eligibility.


Accident Compensation (ACC) has a funeral grant for death occurring as a result of an accident or medical misadventure. Our funeral director can assist with claim documentation.

Medical Insurance

Insurance companies also have a range of death covers. Check your policy to see if death cover is included.

Compassionate Airfares

Air New Zealand along with many other airlines operate a compassionate airfares scheme. The airline may rebate a portion of the airfare already paid for immediate family members travelling to the funeral. Ask your airline if you qualify before you make a booking.

Our staff can provide a letter of confirmation of attendance at the funeral for your application to the airline.